ホーム > プログラム > A-8 Charles Nutter,Thomas Enebo「JRuby: Bringing Ruby to the Java World」

A-8 Charles Nutter,Thomas Enebo「JRuby: Bringing Ruby to the Java World」




8日(火) 14:00-14:30


A会場 (国際会議場)


  • Charles Oliver Nutter(Engine Yard)
  • Thomas Enebo(Engine Yard)


JRuby : Bringing Ruby to Java World


Charles Oliver Nutter has worked on JRuby for the past five years, helping to make it the most successful alternative Ruby implementation in the world. He now seeks to help Ruby by bringing the Java world and Java developers to the Ruby community. Charles blogs at http://blog.headius.com./

Thomas Enebo has been working with Java since 1997 and been working on the JRuby project since 2003. Enebo is working to make JRuby a piece of software that will capture the hearts and minds of Ruby and Java developers everywhere. His goal is to make JRuby the best possible Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementation of the Ruby language and to make the JVM and the Java platform the best possible host for all languages.


JRuby is a Ruby implementation for the JVM. It’s also Ruby’s ticket to the world of Java developers, organizations, and ecosystem. Over the past several years, the JRuby team has worked to make JRuby a top-notch implementation of Ruby. And of all the alternative implementations, only JRuby has production users running web frameworks, data processing, and graphical and GUI applications. JRuby is the most complete and most successful of all alternative Ruby implementations.

Now the JRuby team hopes to leverage JRuby’s solid foundation to truly bring Ruby to the Java world. The Java platform represents the most- deployed runtime and largest pool of developers in the world.

Java is established in every industry, running some of the highest-end critical systems that make the world go. With Ruby compatibility fairly solid, it’s time to use JRuby to bring Java developers to Ruby.

As Matsumoto-san once said, an open source project must “evolve or die”. Ruby’s evolution depends on JRuby, and JRuby depends on Rubyists everywhere.

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